
china energy's dadu river company invested a total of 50 million yuan throughout the year to support rural revitalization-爱游戏ayx官网

author:    source: communication company   time: 2024-01-09   font:【 】

in 2023, china energy's dadu river company invested a total of 50 million yuan, implemented 15 assistance projects, comprehensively promoting the revitalization of industries, talents, culture, and ecology in puge county, liangshan prefecture, sichuan province. this commitment reflects the practical actions of a central enterprise in fulfilling its social responsibility.

the industrial park integrating agriculture and rural tourism in puge county supported by dadu river company

puge county is located in the southeastern part of the liangshan yi autonomous prefecture in sichuan province, situated in the hengduan mountains on the yunnan-guizhou plateau. it is more than 500 kilometers away from chengdu and is predominantly inhabited by the yi ethnic group. known as the birthplace of the yi torch festival, puge county is honored as the "holy land of torches," "adu(an ancient clan of yi ethnic group)'s hometown," and the "hometown of hot springs." due to factors such as the remote mountainous terrain and inconvenient transportation, economic development in the area has been constrained.

in accordance with the unified deployment of the group, dadu river company took over the targeted assistance work in puge county in 2018, explored a new path for the integrated development of agricultural, cultural, and tourism industries in hongjunshu village, as well as the dual-cycle revitalization of agriculture in planting and breeding. this effort contributed to red army tree village being honored with the title of "provincial model village for the 'hundred thousand million' project for rural cultural revitalization in 2023." additionally, an official on secondment received the honor of outstanding first secretary in sichuan province, establishing the brand and image of the state energy group in rural revitalization.
